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dCore wiki update...

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The dCore wiki is being updated, both format and new content. Feel free to add content or let me know if there are items that should be addressed. Still a work in progress, couple noteworthy items:

1. The installation section does not yet have a full install example with just the dCore*.iso and an empty drive (only from existing Linux installs using a pre-installed bootloader). Hope to add this content next couple weeks. If someone already has a step-by-step list, let me know.

2. Forum member LichenSymbiont previously posted a link of his 'automatic installation script'. This section of the wiki is now entitled 'Unofficial dCore Scripts', meaning Jason does not need to provide support. Users feel free to add additional scripts or script links you feel may benefit other dCore users - be prepared to provide support if necessary: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:scripts. If the general consensus is that unnofficial script/links should not be added to the dCore wiki, that's okay too, just let me know and i will revise/delete.

Jason W:
Thanks.  I think dCore should have a section for contributed scripts.  Perhaps I should put up a 'programming and scripting' section here like there is in the Core section.  I am good with either the wiki or a p&s area, I would like to hear input and see what the thoughts are on it. 

Well for now the wiki only has one user-contributed script but hopefully that will change over time. Personally like the idea of having this section in the wiki. A dCore subforum for scripters would be nice too but probably wouldn't see much activity at this time.

Thanks for your continuous efforts with making the wiki really shine, Nitram! The ISO-installation has been on my list for a long time but I won't be able to get to it anytime soon. Step-by-step instructions would be tremendously useful for  newcomers.

My 0.02$ on the specific topic: I would prefer having scripts in a finalized version available through the wiki rather than having to browse through forum posts containing different beta versions. For the time being, the discussion can well take place in the general forum.

Cheers everybody!

Jason W:
Some good points made and I agree with them.


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