dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
group ids
hi jason,
yes, you are right... i had passwd in my backup.
now my fresh passwd looks like that:
tc@box:~$ cat /etc/passwd
tc:x:1001:50:Linux User,,,:/home/tc:/bb/ash
sshd:x:100:102:Linux User,,,:/home/sshd:/bin/false
messagebus:x:101:110:Linux User,,,:/home/messagebus:/bin/false
pulse:x:102:29:PulseAudio daemon:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false
so messagebus:messagebus uses the ids 101:110, instead of 1000:1000 ...
probably my problem is solved... :-)
thank you for your help.
hi jason,
in my /etc/group i have got
is it possible to use the group-id 1000 for the group user?
how did pulse-access got the group id 1000?
is it possible to change the group id without any further major problems?
i want to get the user user:user with 1000:1000...
what do you recommend?
is it possible
- to login passwordless with the user:user?
- without a change in passwd, configured and saved in the backup?
- with the boot-code user=user to substitute completely the user tc?
- to add the user- and group-id to this boot-code?
- to prevent or avoid /home/tc without backup and change of /etc/passwd and /etc/group?
thank you for sharing your knowledge and your help.
Jason W:
I have in /etc/group on each boot -
The usermod and groupmod commands can be imported to change user's user and group id.
hi jason,
i do not understand what you recommend...
i understand that with user- and groupmod i can change the ids.
but what leads every reboot the groupid 1000 to pulse-action,
i do not backup the config files passwd and group?
what risks appeare... what do you think happens, if i change the groupids at every reboot,
for pulse-action and my new user?
what do you recommend in detail?
what is your opinion about the questions and suggestions in my last post?
thank you for interest and your help.
Jason W:
Added the ability to specify by boot code user id with "uid=" followed by the number desired. Otherwise defaults to 1000. User tc only exists if tc is the main user, otherwise only the user specified by user= is added to the system.
Are you able to perform the dCore importing and such commands with a different group id for the main user?
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