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What was your first programming language? Favorite? Least Favorite?

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Wow, I didnt expect to see the word COBOL in this thread...

Like many my first experience was with Basic in school. After that it was some VB, C/C++ and Java. I always enjoyed C++ the best (perhaps that was just because it was what most of my classes were based in). Now I am stuck at work doing mostly COBOL coding along with some Java and Javascript. I have been planning on learning Perl and also dusting off the old C books I have, but it has been hard to find enough time to dig in deep.

My first language was WATFIV-S (a subset of FORTRAN), followed by BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, a little PL/I, and (nowadays) Java. Actually liked Pascal the best (someone once called it a language that requires you to think sideways). PL/I was definitely the worst.

FORTRAN and ALGOL 60 nearly at the same time.

Later I implemented FORTH on many different arhitectures and developped applications. And of course C and assembly.

Currently I'm using mostly Python and PHP. I really love Python!


--- Quote from: Flymo on March 27, 2009, 02:57:37 AM ---
Fave language has to be FORTH, the implementation on the
Jupiter Ace.  Fell in love with that, bigtime.  Wrote some very
very unreadable code, too! ???

--- End quote ---

Really happy to see a FORTH guy on the board.

 :D I see I have to submit my FORTH extensions to Jason

I'm always surprised to see no votes for tcl-tk.  I used it to re-write virtually all my windoz oo apps.   


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