Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
LAMP ready to light
done :)
In the last month I've updated PHP to 7.0.7, PostgreSQL to 9.5.3, and BIND to 9.10.4. You may get them here: http://www.asjohnson.com/tinycorelinux/7.x/x86_64/tcz/?C=M;O=D at your convenience. I tried to PM you directly but I kept getting permission errors.
Shouldn't php7-dev.tcz.dep contain at least one of php7-{cgi.cli,ext,fpm,mod}.tcz?
The -dev extension has the "phpdbg" debugger executable, so it can process PHP code without needing one of the other executables from -cgi, -cli, -mod, or -fpm. All of them can run without -ext so it not required per se, but they could all benefit from it. I would imagine that someone would target one of these four depending on their choice of web server and likely add -ext for database access and the other goodies on their production server, and use -dev plus -ext on their development box.
I did notice as I was looking through the file lists that /usr/local/etc/pear.conf is in -mod instead of -dev, so I'll need to fix the build script and re-upload it later today.
Are there stats on which if any are being downloaded? I'm curious to know if there is anyone besides me using TC for LAMP.
As far as I know, there are no download stats...
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