Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Greek keyboard layout
I installed the latest version of firefox and the menus are in greek. Why does this happen and what to do to change it in english?
It's the locale that sets the language of program.
You can try to start firefox with another lang settings from command line.
--- Code: (bash) ---(export LANG=C;firefox)
--- End code ---
If you mean to add this code at the APPEND line of extlinux.conf, it didn't work.
I have already removed mylocale extension from the onboot list and I have also removed at all the "lang=" option from extlinux.conf, but still firefox is in greek.
I don't mean you should change the command line args to kernel.
Just try to start firefox from the terminal command line.
With my suggested command.
Sorry this forum is for core linux questions, you should better find your answers to this type of questions on some regular linux forums and http://lmgtfy.com/?q=change+language+in+firefox+linux and like stackoverflow.
When your Firefox extension was created by firefox_getLatest.sh, the script downloaded the Firefox package based on your locale settings at that time.
For whatever reason you want to get back to English, you would need to re-run firefox_getLatest.sh with the locale not set to anything else than the default, to get an English version of Firefox.
I don't mean to e rude, but you seem to run into every possible obstacle new Core Linux users may encounter, if they do not read the f manual.
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