Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Greek keyboard layout

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At a previous post I wrote:

--- Quote ---When I mount my external hard-drive, only files and directories with names in latin appear at rox-filer. Those with greek characters in their names don't.
--- End quote ---

I also tried nautilus & pcmanfm with same results. With xfe no directories appear at all.

I conclude that it has to do with the language issue.

Some more problems about file-managers:

With all managers referred above, when I try to unmount the drive, I get the message:

--- Code: ---umount: can't unmount /mnt/sdb1: Operation not permitted
--- End code ---

Finally, when I try to mount it with spacefm, I get the message:

--- Code: ---No handler is configured for this device type, or no unmount command is set.  Add a handler in Settings|Device Handlers or Protocol Handlers.
--- End code ---

Are you trying to unmount the drive/partition from a terminal window when you are still looking at it with a file manager or "cd'ed" into that driver/partition in the terminal?

With rox-filer, which is now installed, I'm looking at that drive/partition (and see only directories that their names consist of latin characters). I click to the green arrow at the upper-left of rox-filer window to change to parent directory and get the message:

--- Code: ---Do you want to unmount this device?

Unmounting a device makes it safe to remove the disk.
--- End code ---

I choose "Unmount" and get the message:

--- Code: ---Unmounting /mnt/sdb1
umount: can't unmount /mnt/sdb1: Operation not permitted
Unmount failed

There was one error.
--- End code ---

I run in terminal:

--- Code: ---tc@box:/mnt$ umount sdb1
umount: can't unmount /mnt/sdb1: Operation not permitted
--- End code ---

But if I run

--- Code: ---tc@box:/mnt$ sudo umount sdb1
--- End code ---

the drive/partition becomes unmounted. So, it's an issue of privileges.


--- Quote from: curaga on April 08, 2016, 02:11:48 PM ---
--- Quote ---cp: cannot stat '/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive': No such file or directory
--- End quote ---

This is the error, it's failing to create it for some reason. I can't reproduce, I just booted 7.0 x86, selected el_GR.utf8, and successfully got a greek locale.

Maybe you can run commands from the script manually, one step at a time, and so find out what fails for you?

--- End quote ---

Without "sudo" there was not error. But I still couldn't type greek at urxvt.

I tried again getlocale.sh with "sudo" and there was error again.

Any help to find the commands of the script to run them step by step?


--- Code: ---editor $(which getlocale.sh)

--- End code ---

After running something like this

--- Code: ---sudo nice -n19 localedef -i el_GR -c -f UTF-8 el_GR.UTF-8
sudo nice -n19 localedef -i el_GR -c -f ISO-8859-7 el_GR

--- End code ---
/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive  should be present.


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