Hello friendly people from Tinycore!
I've been working on this for quite a while but i cannot get it to work on PiCore Linux.
My Goal: A headless Bluetooth Audio Reciever running Picore Player ( Pi Core Linux ).
I got it to work on Raspian Lite but I want to have it to run on PiCore linux because I will not shut it down but just unplug my Pi.
What I already know: I need to have :
- Bluez
- PulseAudio
- pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
- alsa-utils
as packages.
I installed the Bluez-hcidump tcz extension to my Pi but the command: bluetoothctl or any other know command to me for using my blueooth dongle say: command not found. I assume I need some other tools for that.
I was thinking about to use blueman. I about to compile it by myself but I am not sure if thats the right approach...
Was someone already able to create a Blueooth Audio Receiver with TC?
I am thankful for every help provided, if there is someone out there who can build the needed .tcz extensions I would be even more happy!
I hope someone is out there who can help me with that!
Thank you!