dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

sce-import -d doesn't asks for deps if noninteractive is true


sce-import -d doesn't asks for deps if noninteractive is true and there is no .dep
If this is the desired  behaviour maybe could be specified in the --help of the command

Jason W:
It is desired because non-interactive needs to be just that.  Will mention it in the --help menu.

The latest RC didn't have updated sce-import --help. Here's an updated version, will formally submit later. The non-interactive section was clarified and the -D option removed. Going to a cleaner format, no more single quotes like 'sce-import PKG' and explanation sentences will start with a capital for easier reading. Please don't add more options to sce-import as --help presently maxes a default terminal page view or text boot screen  :)

--- Code: ---sce-import - search, convert, install DEB and pre-built packages as local SCEs,
             use simple name (nano not nano_*_i386.deb), may use option combos,
             also see /etc/sysconfig/sceconfig, locale.nopurge and sce.purge.
sce-import             Prompt, enter starting characters of package sought.
sce-import PKG         Search packages that start with desired package name.
sce-import -b PKG      Add resulting SCE to sceboot.lst.
sce-import -c PKG      Search packages that contain desired package name.
sce-import -d PKG      Choose existing SCE(s) to provide dependencies for
                       new SCE, may make new SCE significantly smaller.
sce-import -k PKG      Keep /usr/share/doc and /man in SCE, see man-db.
sce-import -l LISTFILE SCE mega-extension created from text file listing one
                       PKG per line, eg. sce-import -l /tmp/my_apps contains
                       emelfm & nano, which can now share common dependencies.
sce-import -n PKG      Non-interactive exact name import, no combos like -nd.
sce-import -o PKG      Add imported SCE to ondemand via /tce/ondemand script.
sce-import -p PKG      Preserve old DEBINX, no new fetch, better performance.
sce-import -r PKG      Use RAM, swap partition/file to unpack source DEBs.
sce-import -s PKG      Estimate package, HD and RAM space, warn as needed.
sce-import -u PKG      (DEFAULT) update mode, sync new DEBINX files.
sce-import -v PKG      View list of packages the imported SCE contains.
sce-import -z PKG      Ignore locale.nopurge, sce.purge, sceconfig files.
sce-import -R PKG      Include recommended Debian packages, warning large SCE.
sce-import -S PKG      Include suggested Debian packages, warning large SCE.

--- End code ---

Jason W:
Ok, thanks.  Yeah, I think we are up to our neck in options by now pretty much with all the utilities, I would like to see things settle down a bit on that end and perhaps more focus be put on testing and reporting with packages that don't work 'out of the box' but will with startup scripts.   And there may be existing scripts that need revisiting due to file or version changes in the packages.


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