Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
How to install TCB-CP on a USB stick w/o a CD?
isohybdrid is supplied by syslinux, which must exist in kubuntu, no?
Otherwise you can use dd or the grub2 (which must also exist in kubuntu) example.
--- Quote from: Juanito on February 24, 2016, 03:37:35 AM ---isohybdrid is supplied by syslinux, which must exist in kubuntu, no?
--- End quote ---
It looks like so.
--- Quote from: Juanito on February 24, 2016, 03:37:35 AM ---Otherwise you can use dd or the grub2 (which must also exist in kubuntu) example.
--- End quote ---
Let's see.
--- Code: ---dd if=CorePlus-current.iso of=/dev/sdX
--- End code ---
..where you substitute sda, sdb, etc, for sdX is not that complex, but be sure you choose the correct location for your blank usb stick...
--- Quote from: Juanito on February 24, 2016, 04:13:39 AM ---
--- Code: ---dd if=CorePlus-current.iso of=/dev/sdX
--- End code ---
..where you substitute sda, sdb, etc, for sdX is not that complex, but be sure you choose the correct location for your blank usb stick...
--- End quote ---
That's pretty easy. Anyway, the isohybrid tool worked like a charm. Muchas gracias! ;-)
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