dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

sce-import doesn't stop if an invalid entry is found in the "lst" file



Jason W:
Entries that are not found as packages are ignored.  I share list files between the Debian and Ubuntu dCores, I can have both iceweasel and firefox and the right one gets imported depending which dCore I run it on.  I personally don't want sce-import to exit if it finds an entry that is not found in the particular port.

Just tested for practice, the script stops, provides warning, notifies user of non-existant packages in the list, allows user to proceed or exit. That's decent, user can then exit and modify the list file.

--- Code: ---nanomeister
Warning: The above files in /tmp/nanotiny.lst do not exist in dCore repos.
To proceed anyway press Enter, (n)o exits:

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ cat nanotiny.lst

--- End code ---

This was with a new list, not sure about re-importing. jls were you speaking of a new list or performing an update/re-import?

Jason W:
I forgot, this subject had come up before and I made the warning pop up so one can proceed or not.  Works here with either a new list file, or the existing sce.lst in the sce dir.  The prompt to proceed is when the -n noninteractive option is not used, else it just echoes the packages not found.


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