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fluxbox - small bugs in applications-menue


hi friends,

in fluxbox are some tiny bugs in the menues...
f.e. uxterm doesn't start and echoes an error message:
uxterm tried unsuccessfully to use locale en_US.UTF-8
by setting $LANG to "en_US.UTF-8".
in the forum roberts gave the hint with
export LANG=en_US.UTF8 in .profile but that didn't succeed for me,
export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 didn't work for me... :-(

in xterm the command uxterm worked with the error message:
tc@box:~$ uxterm
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged

another issue:
Laptop Mode Tools Configuration is in my menue, but does not start there...

thank you for your help and your hints.

Hi netnomad

Hi netnomad.

I do not require locales or laptop tools. On my dCore-jessie system Fluxbox menu works well. All terminals functional well, but i get this when opening them:

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ aterm
aterm: Cannot set locale
tc@box:~$ xterm
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
tc@box:~$ uxterm
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged

--- End code ---

Just curious, was all this stuff functioning okay for you before making any changes to /etc/sysconfig/locale.nopurge or sce.purge?


--- Quote from: nitram on February 09, 2016, 06:19:19 PM ---
--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ aterm
aterm: Cannot set locale
tc@box:~$ xterm
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
tc@box:~$ uxterm
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged

--- End code ---
your messages with aterm and xterm do not appear in my setup.
the behavior of uxterm is an issue of the very beginning of dcore...

thank you for your hints.
Just curious, was all this stuff functioning okay for you before making any changes to /etc/sysconfig/locale.nopurge or sce.purge?

--- End quote ---


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