dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Article about dCore in freiesMagazin

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I am pleased to announce the appearance of my article about dCore (PDF-version, pp. 3-10) in issue 02/2016 of the German online magazine freiesMagazin. The "free magazine" has been publishing monthly news and information articles about free software, open source and Linux since 2006.
As could not be expected otherwise from this author, the article introduces a sample installation of dCore with LXDE on a USB-stick and points to THE wiki for further reference.  :)

Seems thoroughly written.
Will give it a read soon.

[The wallpaper in the screenshot looks nice]

Good job sm8ps! The LXDE desktop looks sharp indeed and the article very professional. What's next, distrowatch campaign :)

Jason W:
sm8ps - looks great! 

Thanks everybody! Just wanted to mention that the article has been featured by Pro-Linux which is, in its own words, is "Germany's largest volunteer Linux support site" and certainly a valuable source of information about Linux-related news.


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