dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions

fluff not correctly imported


doesn't merge

--- Code: --- sce-import -dpv fluff

Using the -p option.
Using the -n option.
Using the -v option.

Using the -d option.

Importing fluff.

Using Package Index:

Using Security Index:


Proceeding to create fluff.sce...
Merging libjpeg62
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/update/fluff.sce, block siz
e 4096.
[=================================================================|] 48/48 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 4096
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 80.77 Kbytes (0.08 Mbytes)
54.47% of uncompressed filesystem size (148.27 Kbytes)
Inode table size 414 bytes (0.40 Kbytes)
44.85% of uncompressed inode table size (923 bytes)
Directory table size 310 bytes (0.30 Kbytes)
60.19% of uncompressed directory table size (515 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 1
Number of inodes 24
Number of files 13
Number of fragments 2
Number of symbolic links  1
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 10
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 2
Number of uids 1
root (0)
Number of gids 2
root (0)
staff (50)

Finished importing fluff.sce.

--- End code ---

Jason W:
Have you tried without the -p option?

Fluff imports and runs as expected with me.

works, without -p

the import routine could check if all the dcore specific file are present in /tmp

Jason W:
In next RC - The existence of /tmp/debinx and /tmp/deb2sce.tar.gz are checked and the needed files from deb2sce.tar.gz extracted.  If one or the other is missing, "sce-import -p" will exit with a warning.


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