dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
[ Solved ] sce-remove shows non-existant item
Cosmetic issue. Do not recall seeing this before; maybe only occurs if a multiple of 15 extensions are in the list?
--- Code: ---Choose the sce you want to remove on shutdown.
31. quit
Enter selection ( 1 - 31 ) or (q)uit, (n)ext, (p)revious: : q
--- End code ---
Nope, seems to happen consistently (dCore-trusty:2016.
--- Code: ---Choose the sce you want to remove on shutdown.
31. x-tile
32. quit
Enter selection ( 1 - 32 ) or (q)uit, (n)ext, (p)revious: :
--- End code ---
Jason W:
The quit was added so if there was only one item it would not be autoselected, one can just select quit or press q and not choose the last choice in the list.
Rewording 'quit' to 'quit to proceed with removals' might negate confusion. Silly that default select behaviour causes this issue.
Thanks for clarifying, Jason! I agree with nitram that it would be good to re-word the entry. At least myself found this a bit confusing. I suggest "End of list."
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