dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

sce-import lets me select package that it cannot import


This is what I get for ''sce-import -prvc system-config-printer''

--- Code: ---Select Package for system-config-printer

1. system-config-printer
2. system-config-printer-common
3. system-config-printer-gnome
4. system-config-printer-udev

Enter selection ( 1 - 4 ) or (q)uit: 1
Importing system-config-printer.
Using Package Index:
Using Security Index:
Using ubuntu Mirror: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
Using ubuntu Security Mirror: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

system-config-printer is not a standard ubuntu, dCore precompiled, or meta package, exiting..

--- End code ---
That seems quite counter-intuitive. Bug or a feature?

Jason W:
Should be fixed now.  It was an entry in PKGADDDEP on the server, and it is no longer a package on at least some dCore versions.  When that is the case, it appears as a selectable package but is not available. 

Jason W:
system-config-printer added back to PKGADDDEP.  Will later ponder if there is an efficient way to keep this from happening.


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