General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
Installed Xorg-7.7 and now touchpad stopped to respond. What should I do?
Does your keypad have a lock button? Perhaps you turned it off.
Xorg recognizes my Chromebook touchpad as a Synaptics, but that driver doesn't actually work - I have to build/use the Cyapa module. Compare your dmesg output w/ and w/o Xorg - that might help identify what's different.
It's possible the touchpad button/sensor mapping is mixed up. Perhaps dig around with xinput?
Sent from my HTC_0P6B6 using Tapatalk
--- Quote from: gerald_clark on January 26, 2016, 01:55:11 PM ---Does your keypad have a lock button? Perhaps you turned it off.
--- End quote ---
Thanks! I have an older Acer Aspire One with a synpatics touch pad and I was in the same exact situation. I installed Xorg 7.7 which seemed to break my touchpad. The log said it was fine. After reading this post by gerald_clark, I looked on my keyboard and found a function key that probably locked it, and sure enough my touchpad came back to life! The only problem is that it only has very basic function, you can't tap click, you have to use the actual buttons. Not sure why, I even have xf86 synaptics input extension. That may have been what "helped the keypad unlock" because I thought I tried the unlocking solution before without success, but this time I loaded the extension first. Thanks for the help!
Thread is old, but had to throw it out here just in case...
Synaptics (Alps) touchpad moves mouse but no clicking, scrolling etc. Found that the same with Knoppix and some other distros like archlinux etc.
Cure was to run
--- Code: ---synclient TapButton1=1
synclient VertEdgeScroll=1
synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1
--- End code ---
To make it permanent, (in Knoppix at least - I'm not running Xorg on TC right now), you have to add these lines to
Perhaps something similar to synclient would work in this situation for *core..
In tinycore you'd have to use Xorg-7.7 and xf86-input-synaptics and store settings in /usr/local/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
I use it occasionally to turn the touchpad off completely :P
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