dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

bad attributes in dcore-jessie

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Jason W:
Ok, that is due to permission issues of /opt.  The perms are good in the base image, but I have added in tc-config for during boot and in filetool.sh the setting of the proper owner/perms of /opt.  In case the the attributes get changed during a running session. 

We have seen this before a time or two, and hopefully now is prevented. 

In dCore-wily the  backup  command was working fine until latest update:
You are running dCore-wily:2016., the latest release candidate.

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ backup
Backup device is set to: sda1/tce
Perform backup now? (y/N) y
chown: /opt: Operation not permitted
chmod: /opt: Operation not permitted
Backing up files to /mnt/sda1/tce/mydata.tgz

--- End code ---

Think backup still performed, just the error output's new. Have not yet had a chance to update and check dCore-jessie.

Jason W:
I see what it is, will fix it tonight.

Backup works well again in dCore-wily, thanks.


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