hey dog:)
OK, I made my usb using this cool article here thanks to member's here-thanks gang
( [removed due to policy violation]/instau.html )
and I have made it a little easier by pre-making some stuff for 1.4.3 usb
including making "flavors", one of which is "compilr", which is for compiling

ok, so the 1.4.3 usb works on either ext2/3-grub or fat32/syslinux, either way, it's already setup
all you gotta do is copy everything in download to usb, disconnect hd!!, and install grub to
usb(must do this with a linux livecd-i also have one of those too)
If using fat32 usb, just put the download on usb, install syslinux to usb and your set, don't gotta disconnect hd.
http://multidistro.com/downloads/tc_flavors/tc_flavors.html )
And, just download 1.4.3-usb and compilr flavor, stick compilr flavor in "flavor" folder(included)
and if using syslinux/fat32 usb edit "flavors.cfg" to point to your usb device
and that's it, it is setup to look for "sda1" so edit if yours if different.
also, Compilr flavor will decompress to like 500MB or something
Still working on 2.0 but it rock!:)