dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

sce-update, possible quick check feature

<< < (7/10) > >>

Solid. Tested a few times with reboots. No errors reported. Running  sce-update  then selecting items leaves DEBINX untouched. Running  sce-update -a  updates extensions as required and updates OLDDEBINX. Re-testing  sce-update -a  after system fully up to date exits quickly with 'no updates available'.

The new DEBINX system for sce-update -a is sweet. When no potential updates available, even on slow hardware takes only ~5 seconds to report 'No updates'. Only tweak might be to reduce the sleep command upon exit to get cursor back faster.

Thanks for your hard work Jason :)

Jason W:
Good news all appears to be working.  I think the sleep command can be removed, will do so next cut.

I can confirm it as flawless for me.

Jason W:
I think we are good for a release, this one is surely as or more stable than the current relase.

is the old / new debix thingh eliminated if one after an sce-update -a does a sce-update only on some or one sce?, so a subequent sce-update -a doesn't use old/new debinx and instead check all the sces?


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