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good web browsing on almost any old dinasour hardware

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i am sure many forum people already know about VNC and know about using free services in the internet cloud.

but just for anybody that is interested.....

if you have very very very slow dinasour hardware  (or your current hardware needs to save a LOT of CPU and RAM for you to work more effectively) can still get a perfect 2016 Chrome web browsing experience from that hardware with zero overheads. ......

 just install "turbo vnc" on your hardware. This tool uses zero cpu or RAM.

Then quikly use your standard desktop web browser  and
go to free services like "crossbrowsertesting DOT COM"......these free services are good.

1)So open your free account with them......
2) and start up a Chrome session over VNC on windows 8.   (with them)
3) Then copy the URL they give you to clipboard....... now close down your current desktop browser.

Open VNC and dial into the url they give you.....and give your regular password. now have a lightening fast, unlimited Chrome session.(while using ZERO cpu or RAM)

This idea will give you an extremely good Chrome web browsing experience on dinasour hardware. It almost does not touch your horsepower.

i have not yet found any free cloudbrowser services that support AUDIO. But VNC itself does support audio.      ( DOES NOT support audio)

meant to say at points 1)  2) 3) of this thread you click "live sessions" and on
the right under settings you choose VNC as oppossed to HTML5. 

Then click "RUN CHROME session".  (or whichever browser you chose)


Why letting somebody else getting my credentials so easy.
I think some free services not so good.

Uh Patrikg

i have your credentials right now....."Patrikg"

what exactly do you mean?....are you referring to "Chrome" being a spying type
browser...?....... or the free web service i mentioned as spying?

the web service accepts any credentials given....(its not relevant).

THe VNC is behind whatever you use to protect your own systems

i don't think the service i mentioned is anything other than what they sell it's a service to help people test web pages on many different browsers

(but in my case above...... you can infact just use the FREE service as a very fast web browser)

i am no expert as regards firewalls or so forth......but VNC is pretty regular
usage software

so i don't get your point

(i think what you are refferring to is that by using this free browser service  for activities where your own credentials may occur....then that company's servers could somehow have your credentials possibly stored...?.......well.......i am no expert but isn't that true of your ISP also?....or any chain in an internet computing cluster.)

That web service is widely used......i mean to say thousands of users use it ........thousands of times per day.........

in summary, you are surgesting that the web service i mentioned is somehow
compromising a users privacy .......i have been using them 20 years and nobody
even knows my name "Parikg"....

move ticket please.



Just warn people to beware, with some soft(ware)
Just so easy type ip and username and password in some web-based systems.

I'm just saying be careful.


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