It looks as though no extensions are loaded, does this work: $ tce-load -i Xvesa Xprogs flwm wbar aterm
I tried that it said "xvesa.tcz not found!"
Hi leon8200
It looks like you are using a third party installer. Have you read:
I read that and don't understand any of of it

should I take a look at dsl linux instead of tiny core? one of my needs in a light weight linux distro is to have a clean fast environment
for browsing and "low end" gaming, one of my applications is firefox and one of my games for example needs these dependencies
libgtk2.0-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libsdl1.2-dev libglade2-dev gettext zlib1g-dev libosmesa6-dev intltool libagg-dev libasound2-devwould tiny core be up to the task if I took the time to install everything I need, or should I get dsl linux instead or perhaps look into something else?

just thought I should go ahead and ask that question so I don't waste anyone's time in helping me to get tiny core installed just to choose a different linux distro instead