dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

jsce-remove -k option query

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Jason W:
Ok, manually created .dep files can cause issues, and they don't support the .sce suffix in the entries.  The SCE dependency is a complex and when created by "sce-import  -d" there is no duplication between a .dep file entry and the main SCE.  The goal is to have no manual involvement in the SCE directory.  The entries in the .dep files druing import also place information in the /usr/local/sce/$scename directory.

But that being said, in regards to sce-remove it should still work with manually created entries that have no .sce suffix in them. 

Thanks for the explanation. My ignorance, didn't think the  -ld  options could be used in combination, so re-running with only the  -d  option afterwards wanted to re-import the entire terminals.sce. Actually if a same named lst file is in the working directory, noticed that the -l option isn't even required, just finds the list and asks -nice. Anyway ran  sce-import -ld terminals  , selected install terminals from list file, selected nano as dependency (automated method), which created a /usr/local/sce/terminals/terminals.dep file containing 'nano'.

Still removing terminals does not flag nano for removal, confirmed by looking at /tmp/.removesce:

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ sce-remove -k terminals
The above SCE(s) will be removed upon shutdown or reboot.

--- End code ---

Completed simpler test not involving a list file, ran  sce-import -d lxterminal  and selected bsdgames-nonfree as dependency. Then running  sce-remove lxterminal  indicates only lxterminal will be removed,  not it's dependency bsdgames-nonfree.

The title of this thread is no longer accurate, it appears to be a dependency removal issue, regardless of using a list file or the -k (keep) option.

Is it because i'm not rebooting between tests (i would expect the dependency nano or bsdgames-nonfree to be in /tmp/.removesce)?

Jason W:
Ok, I see what is happening.  terminals.sce has nano as an entry in the terminals.sce.dep file.  If removing terminals, there is no reason to remove nano.sce from the SCE directory. 

But with those sces in that arrangement, if you did "sce-remove nano" then it would also remove terminals.sce since terminals depends on nano and packages that nano.sce contains, and therefore would be broken if nano.sce was removed. 

I'm not sure I want to have every sce listed in a dep file removed since those sces are freestanding or still have their needed sces that are listed as deps and are not broken by sces being removed with sce-remove. 

Re-ran sce-remove from the simpler lxterminal example but removed bsdgames-nonfree instead of lxterminal, then got:

--- Code: ---tc@box:/mnt/sdb4/tce/sce$ sce-remove bsdgames-nonfree
The above SCE(s) will be removed upon shutdown or reboot.

--- End code ---

When i created lxterminal, bsdgames-nonfree was selected as a dependency. Shouldn't removing the primary SCE remove the dependency, not removing the dependency remove the parent SCE? IIRC in TC 6, attempting to remove the dependency (bsdgames for example), Apps wouldn't allow, indicating lxterminal depends on bsdgames.

When sce-import -d lxterminal asks 'Choose the sce you want use as a dependency of lxterminal..', isn't it asking 'choose the SCE you want lxterminal to depend on'? Maybe the issue is that bsdgames would then need to be reimported with the dependency flag. Forgive me if confused...

I think i understood what you were last explaining, it would get messy. As SCEs are self contained and users can create list files, maybe there's not much need for a dependency option. Personally i probably wouldn't use it, just enjoy testing and learning the system so it came up. If you think everything's working correctly then no problem, sorry for the trouble :)

Jason W:
If I choose an sce as a dependency, then that dependency chosen does not need the sce that using it as a dep.  But the sce that is using another as a dep needs those sces to make it complete.  If a package needed by the main sce exists in an sce chosen as a dep, then that package will not be in the main sce.  This is to allow much smaller sces when using the dependency option. 

There is no reason to remove sces that are chosen as a dep, if we want to do so then we can choose them from the menu.    And if you removed bsdgames-nonfree and not lxterminal, then lxterminal would have to be re-imported to be complete, not the other way around.

What this does is allow you to remove dependencies and not leave the system broken.  To do that, anything that depends on sces chosen for removal are also removed.    If we made an option where items in the .sce.dep file are removed, then all that is using them as deps would have to be removed too.  Could result in a long list, unless an option was there to not allow for removal those sces that have others depending on them, but then it would be pointless as it wouldn't allow much to be removed.


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