Xprogs updated, new cpanel good, all items open, Terminal Server closes normally, new Sce Tools works.
Please mark thread solved - thanks.
Just being detail oriented, thoughts for future development:
- Inconsistent use of Sce and SCE. For example, Control Panel buttons are Sce *. open Sce Import and titlebar reads Import SCE Extensions. Since SCE is an anacronym, SCE likely preferred over Sce, also looks more macho

- Launching Sce Debpurge probably scary for new user. No startup prompt like the others, just starts searching and purging! Terminal then abruptly closes upon completion without termination message, like 'DEB purge completed'. Contrast to Sce Update for example, opens with 'Choose the SCE you want to check for updates', allows user opportunity to review or close terminal if decides not to update check.
- Might be nice to eventually have other buttons, like version checking, ondemand or onboot maintenance.