Thku for the responses.
$ version
$ uname -r
Boot parameters: mc home=sda1 opt=sda1
This is a VirtualBox running on a Windows 8, Intel Celeron CPU N2808 @1.58GHz 1.58GHz, 2.00GB RAM, 64 bits O.S., x64 processor
The need of GD lib arises when installing Drupal on top of apache2.tcz.
As far as the installation requirements checklist is concerned, GD is the last and only delpendency to complete. As I cannot load GD lib because of its own dependency on, I fear to spend too much time and effort in getting it done to just after be in the beginin of a long journey with X server libs and other depencency problems.
Thats why I also evaluate a couple of alternatives like install a replacement of GD (Imagemagick) should it be easier to get workin and transparently substitute for GD to Drupal's eyes, or else to change from Microcore to Tinycore expecting its graphic capacity will make a straightforward way towards success with GD.
Thanks again.