First of all sorry for the lengthy post!

Secondly, for the record, I
have downloaded the
CoreBook and read it in its entirety (as well as returned numerous times to search for specific things). I've also reviewed the
FAQ, read many pages from the
Wiki and searched/read from the
Forums as I became curious about certain aspects or become stuck on other things. So please send all RTFM replies to /dev/null!

I really wanted to use 64bit TCL over 32bit TCL but being that I only have wireless as an option it took me some trial and error to get things working.
I grabbed
TinyCorePure64-6.4.1.iso and
CorePlus-6.4.1.iso so that I could play around with what worked and what didn't (limitations due to old hardware as well as only wireless) in 32bit first, then proceed to configure and use the 64bit version.
With my old hardware it seemed that
hackedbox.tcz worked much more smooth than
flwm.tcz so on the 64bit version I removed
flwm.tcz, added
hackedbox.tcz and its additional dependency:
Xorg-7.7-lib.tcz (it already contained
Xprogs.tcz and
fltk-1.3.tcz) from the
64bit repository.
After playing around a bit I found that the WiFi only option in the CorePlus ISO allowed me to connect just fine via wireless.
located its .dep file and "recursed" these to find, in the end, I needed the following.
- libiw.tcz
- libiw.tcz.md5.txt
- libnl.tcz
- libnl.tcz.md5.txt
- openssl.tcz
- openssl.tcz.md5.txt
- wifi.tcz
- wifi.tcz.md5.txt
- wireless-3.16.6-tinycore64.tcz
- wireless-3.16.6-tinycore64.tcz.md5.txt
- wireless_tools.tcz
- wireless_tools.tcz.md5.txt
- wpa_supplicant.tcz
- wpa_supplicant.tcz.md5.txt
Up to this point I saw what I had done and thought it was good.

Further tweaking through many, many, many reboots and I felt I was ready to finally start utilizing backup and restore but this is where I found a bug or have simply missed something.
Using the default user 'tc' the hackedbox menu shows up normally when right-clicking on the Desktop but when I added the boot-code: 'user=vlekk' the only thing that shows up on a right-click is "xterm" "Restart" and "Exit".

Any help in pointing me in the right direction on how to fix this would be much appreciated!
Here is the relevent information from my syslinux.cfg file in the event I have caused my own headache:
LABEL 64bit-tcl
MENU LABEL TinyCore 64bit with hackedbox.
KERNEL tinycore64/vmlinuz64
APPEND initrd=tinycore64/corepure64.gz loglevel=3 showapps video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 vga=792 tz=PST+8PDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2 waitusb=5:UUID=C5F4-CA63 user=vlekk secure protect
While I'm here I was hoping someone could tell me if I have the whole "onboot.lst", "copy2fs.lst" and "copy2fs.flg" down ...
As I understand it the "onboot.lst" simply tells the system what to load, and leave mounted, upon system start while the "copy2fs.lst" further instructs the system what to copy to ram and unmount upon system start ("copy2fs.flg" means that everything should be copied to ram and unmounted). I feel confused about this especially after looking at the
TinyCorePure64-6.4.1.iso's "onboot.lst", "xbase.lst" and "copy2fs.lst" as they all have the same things listed (and "xbase.lst" doesn't seem to be called from the boot menu at all) ...

I also have further confussion as after booting from either ISO the "OnBoot Uneeded" report shows all the depends don't need to be "OnBoot" ...
At any rate I'll wrap this up now ... if you've made it this far, thank you for your time!
Forgot to ask: Why no xvesa for 64bit?