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wi fi



can anybody tell me...

normally my systems use a router and ethernet wire and the router
itself has a hardware firewall enabled for the web.

What happens with firewalls when using a WI FI dongle and a third party wi fi signal or hotpost...?........the dongle does not seem to contain a hardware firewall?

The hotspot is beamed out from the "Archictects company building" under my house using a router that first recieves all the web
data via wired DSL. It's a proper telco hotspot and not just any old arrangement.
I would assume therefor, that the telco runs a hardware firewall on that hardware router  ( then beams it all out via wi fi)



You will have to ask the third party.
We can't speak for peoples hotspots.


i was reading the literature about the third party hotspots and they
seem pretty well secured.

As for the other part of my message "wi fi dongles"...they don't contain a hardware firewall?



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