dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Wicd blocked package?


This is what I get upon ''sce-import wicd'' on dCore-trusty with the basic wireless extension imported:
"wicd is a blocked package.  Exiting.."
. Never seen this before. What is a blocked package in this context anyways?
. Why would Wicd be blocked from having it installed?

Jason W:
Things like gnome, kde, and wicd are blocked because they don't work as is and I have not found the startup script activity needed that will make them work.  If you wish to test it you can remove it from being blocked by editing /tmp/PKGEXCLUDELIST. 

Thanks for clarifying! Still tinkering with Network-Manager...  :)

Information added to the wiki.

Jason W:
wicd-gtk is working for me now on dCore-wily, probably due to the changes here in dCore dependency resolution.  So now wicd and related packages are unblocked.  Please test and report success or issues.


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