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Author Topic: SpiderOakOne - how to install the client  (Read 1832 times)

Offline emninger

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SpiderOakOne - how to install the client
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:22:31 AM »
I need - on the netbook - the SpiderOak client, because only this way i'll be able to upload.

At first, i tried via deb2tcz script (i downloaded the *.deb file and converted it to *.tcz); i stored - via symlink - it into /mnt/sda1/tce/optional. Apparently a Apps > Load locally works - but really nothing happens. Searching for spideroak in / gave no result at all.

Now, there might be another way to try to install it. But before i'd like to ask, if that way is safe (i did that on another machine running alpine - and there it worked). I could download a tarball (the slackware version). Extracting it, i can get the files and put them by hand into the right directories. On TCL i'd have to create several of them like:


Now, if that would be a viable way, i had to protect them adding them to backup. In this regard i've a question: If i protect a file within a directory which is not default, would that store into the backup the folders which bring to the file as well?

Thanks a lot for your patience!

Offline emninger

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Re: SpiderOakOne - how to install the client
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2015, 12:44:00 PM »
I solved. :D :D

The manual way like above works. But i thought it might not be so in line with the TCL principles. So i created my own spideroakone.tcz following the guidelines of the Corebook. There were some small adaptments: Since there is no ./configure, make and sudo make install to i did not create a destless temporary directory, but simply
Code: [Select]
sudo mkdir /tmp/spideroak
Then i extracted the archive files into that directory and in the end i did

Code: [Select]
cd tmp
mksquashfs spideroak spideroakone.tcz
mv spideroakone.tcz /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/

And finally, i added spideroakone.tcz from optional to onboot. And, voilĂ , it works.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 01:15:13 PM by emninger »

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: SpiderOakOne - how to install the client
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2015, 12:58:14 PM »
It look like the Slackware archives for either architecture should work.

I use Dropbox and Tonida, but SpiderOakOne looks promising also