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Author Topic: DHCP-Server, CuteCom and minicom missing in Regular Application list TC6.4.1 x86  (Read 2879 times)

Offline ubuntuuser

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Hi all,

I'm newbie with Tiny Core. I tried to build up a bootable stick to configure cisco switch/routers. I looked around and found Tiny Core (Vers. 6.4.1 (the middle config iso with 15MB) for best. The running TC must have a valid dhcp-server, tftp-server and usb to serial connection.
TC comes with tftp-server. So the configuration was easy. The usb to serial connection should also work, I added usb-serial.3.16.6-tinycore.tcz with the Apps Tool. But I still have problems with the dhcp server. I can't find the right server programm. dhcpcd is only a client software. dhcp Info describes as SHCP Server and Client, but it didn't work. May be dhcp-dev.tcz is the right package ?
Additional Cutecom and minicom are not in the Repo from TC version 6.4.1. I tried versions from older TC Repro's (Vers. 4). I was able to start minicom, Cutecom did not start due to missing dependencies.
So my questions are:
Can you add minicom and Cutecom to the Regular Applications list so that they are available within the Apps Programm?
What dhcp srv is available for TC 6.4.1 x86 and how to install it.
Hopefully someone can help.
Thx a lot

Offline Juanito

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minicom added to 6.x repo - cutecom cannot be added as it requires qt-3.x compatibility in qt-4.x, which isn't present in the tc-6.x repo (of course you're welcome to compile and submit an updated cutecom extension).

Did you try busybox udhcpd as a dhcp server?

Offline nitram

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Hi Jaunito. The minicom you added to TC6 is v2.4, presumably from older TC. I compiled latest v2.7 and submitted Nov 22nd but hasn't been processed yet. Hopefully this newer version will be available soon. Thanks.

Offline ubuntuuser

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Hi Juanito,

thx for feedback. I tried busybox udhcpd but I could not find a configuration description or how to. I assume that I have to create the following config file : /etc/udhcpd.conf
Server start: starts automaticially with the system
But finally -at this moment- I could not bring it do work. Will try tomorrow to go on. CuteCom is more difficult therefore i'm not very familiar with Linux compiling. But after dhcpd srv works I will try to go on with Cutecom

Offline Juanito

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The minicom you added to TC6 is v2.4, presumably from older TC. I compiled latest v2.7 and submitted Nov 22nd but hasn't been processed yet.

Ah - sorry, I wasn't aware you'd submitted an update...

Offline gerald_clark

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The dnsmasq extension provides a server for DNS, DHCP, and TFTP.