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Howto Install tinycore linux on a Intel based Tablet Chuwi Hi8


I've tried to boot TC on the Intel based tablet from the SD Card inserted into the slot.
I've entered into the boot manager, but there are still Win10 and Android boots, but not the TC one added.
On the regular PC, it works well. The tablet uses .efi files for booting, but they're not used for the TC boot.
Has anyone experience with this setup, or idea how to make it working?

You can (u)efi boot tinycore - search the forums on efi, uefi or (u)efi for some pointers

I've found only this: http://tinycorelinux.net/6.x/x86_64/release_candidates/TinyCorePure64-6.4.1rc2.iso
I've copied it onto the SD card, but it still doesn't work. There is missing the .efi file in the root.

Try here: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,13445.0.html


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