dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions


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Jason W:
I will see if I can build minitube on the oldest dCore that supports the qt5 version that the latest minitube requires.  Youtube I heard intentionally breaks third party players every so often, so it is a constant moving target for apps like minitube meaning only the latest versions will work.

It is not a matter of can I accomplish it, but rather available time resources.

hi friends,

i just want to remind you about this great program: minitube reached version 2.5.2.

everyone who does not know this ad-free youtube-client, should know what they miss!

thank you for all your ideas and contributions.

Jason W:
Ok.  I did try to build minitube-2.5.2 on older x86 dCores, but the following did not have new enough qt5 libraries:  dCore-wheezy, dCore-trusty, dCore-jessie.  Minitube 2.5.2 built flawlessly on dCore-xenial, as well as the prebuilt version from the site runs perfectly.  The second issue with building it is it requires a personal Google API key that each user has to log into google and create, or the packager (me) has to create one, include it in the build, and that will reach it's quota fast unless the key is purchased.  Evidently the upstream built minitube already has an unlimited API key the author is apparently paying for.  That is at least how I understand it.  So most logical is to stick with upstream and folks wanting minitube need to run a newer dCore port. 

Updated in the repo to version 2.5.2. 


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