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Author Topic: sce-import error  (Read 2095 times)

Offline jls

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sce-import error
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:09:34 AM »
jls@box:/mnt/sdb1/tce/sce$ sce-import -p python-efl
Using the -d option.
Using the -v option.
Using the -r option.
Using the -p option.

Importing python-efl.

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_main_i386_Packages

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_security_i386_Packages


Proceeding to create python-efl.sce..
Merging libpython-stdlib
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python-minimal: python-minimal.deb2sce
Merging extra files for python-minimal: python-minimal-data.tar.gz
Merging python-minimal
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python2.7-minimal: python2.7-minimal.deb2sce
Merging python2.7-minimal
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python2.7: python2.7.deb2sce
Merging python2.7
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python: python.deb2sce
Merging python
Merging python-efl
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/python-efl.sce, block size 4096.
[=============================================================\] 2526/2526 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 4096
   compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
   duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 3834.57 Kbytes (3.74 Mbytes)
   39.53% of uncompressed filesystem size (9699.40 Kbytes)
Inode table size 6873 bytes (6.71 Kbytes)
   44.64% of uncompressed inode table size (15397 bytes)
Directory table size 1982 bytes (1.94 Kbytes)
   53.93% of uncompressed directory table size (3675 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 2
Number of inodes 177
Number of files 137
Number of fragments 18
Number of symbolic links  9
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 31
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 3
Number of uids 2
   root (0)
   tc (1001)
Number of gids 2
   root (0)
   staff (50)
jls@box:/mnt/sdb1/tce/sce$ sce-import -p econnman
Using the -d option.
Using the -v option.
Using the -r option.
Using the -p option.

Importing econnman.

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_main_i386_Packages

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_security_i386_Packages

Using ubuntu Mirror: http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu

Using ubuntu Security Mirror: http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu

econnman is a ubuntu trusty main package from http://packages.bodhilinux.com/bodhi.
Gathering dependency info..
The above packages are blocked dependencies of econnman and will not be included in the final SCE. This can cause problems.  Proceed anyway? (y/N): y

cat: /tmp/python-efl.tmp/usr/local/sce/python-efl/python-efl.md5sum: File o directory non esistente
cat: /tmp/python-efl.tmp/usr/local/sce/python-efl/python-efl.md5sum: File o directory non esistente
umount: /tmp/python-efl.tmp: non montato

The below SCE's in your SCE directory will be used as
to provide dependencies for econnman.sce.


Do you want to review the list of packages that econnman.sce
will consist of? Enter y to view and q to exit reading
the package list. (y/N):

Proceeding to create econnman.sce..
Merging python-dbus-dev
Merging python-dbus
Merging libpython-stdlib
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python-minimal: python-minimal.deb2sce
Merging extra files for python-minimal: python-minimal-data.tar.gz
Merging python-minimal
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python2.7-minimal: python2.7-minimal.deb2sce
Merging python2.7-minimal
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python2.7: python2.7.deb2sce
Merging python2.7
Merging Tiny Core custom start script for python: python.deb2sce
Merging python
Merging python-efl
Merging econnman
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/econnman.sce, block size 4096.
[=============================================================\] 2651/2651 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 4096
   compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
   duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 4020.81 Kbytes (3.93 Mbytes)
   39.67% of uncompressed filesystem size (10136.60 Kbytes)
Inode table size 7655 bytes (7.48 Kbytes)
   44.57% of uncompressed inode table size (17175 bytes)
Directory table size 2463 bytes (2.41 Kbytes)
   52.76% of uncompressed directory table size (4668 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 4
Number of inodes 219
Number of files 168
Number of fragments 29
Number of symbolic links  9
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 42
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 3
Number of uids 2
   root (0)
   tc (1001)
Number of gids 2
   root (0)
   staff (50)

Loading python-efl and then importing econnman gives no errors:
Code: [Select]
jls@box:/mnt/sdb1/tce/sce$ sce-load python-efl
base is already installed!
xorg-all is already installed!
gstreamer1 is already installed!
e20-terminology is already installed!
seamonkey-mozilla-build is already installed!
python-efl.sce: OK
jls@box:/mnt/sdb1/tce/sce$ sce-import -p econnman
Using the -d option.
Using the -v option.
Using the -r option.
Using the -p option.

Importing econnman.

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_main_i386_Packages

Using Package Index: /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/import/debinx/ubuntu_trusty_security_i386_Packages



Proceeding to create econnman.sce..
Merging python-dbus-dev
Merging python-dbus
Merging econnman
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/econnman.sce, block size 4096.
[===============================================================|] 133/133 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 4096
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 191.25 Kbytes (0.19 Mbytes)
42.70% of uncompressed filesystem size (447.91 Kbytes)
Inode table size 929 bytes (0.91 Kbytes)
38.42% of uncompressed inode table size (2418 bytes)
Directory table size 796 bytes (0.78 Kbytes)
55.28% of uncompressed directory table size (1440 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 1
Number of inodes 62
Number of files 38
Number of fragments 14
Number of symbolic links  0
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 24
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 2
Number of uids 1
root (0)
Number of gids 2
root (0)
staff (50)
dCore user

Offline Jason W

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Re: sce-import error
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 08:45:27 PM »
Ok, I will look at this tomorrow.

Offline Jason W

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Re: sce-import error
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 10:19:37 AM »
Do you have libelementary1 in your /tmp/PKGEXCLUDELIST file?  Curious as to why it does not show as excluded on the second import.

Can you give me the contents of your /opt/debextra files so I can reproduce the same package imports?  I don't see this behavior when importing using other SCEs as deps.