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[Fixed] getFlash11 - Update

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Another cat and mouse game, this time Adobe is the culprit.

After Pandora refused to play without Flash's latest security updates, I was forced to resolve the issue.

It appears that as of yesterday adobe changed their downloads directory structure, as a result the link to download the latest Flash v11.2.202.548 is broken.  This didn't just break our getFlash11 but appears to have also broke most major Linux Distributions "get Flash" scripts running curl to auto find the download link.

The latest Flash download is located under a directory using it's version number, kinda a catch 22 scenario.   However the issue is fixed with:

--- Code: ---DOWNLOAD=$(curl -s 'https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/download/?installer=Flash_Player_11.2_for_other_Linux_(.tar.gz)_32-bit&standalone=1'  | grep -o 'https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/11.2.*/install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz')

--- End code ---

I'm submitting the updated getFlash11 extension asap, meanwhile if anyone needs the fixed script to install or update Flash11 with latest security updates;  Please download the attached script, set exec perms and run it to update your flash11 extension


Sorry for hijacking this thread, but...

To make this good script to work again, you need to add  "--no-check-certificate" in line 84

--- Code: (bash) ---wget "$DOWNLOAD" > /dev/null 2>&1
--- End code ---

--- Code: (bash) ---wget --no-check-certificate "$DOWNLOAD" > /dev/null 2>&1
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: patrikg on June 02, 2016, 09:00:25 AM ---Sorry for hijacking this thread, but...

--- End quote ---

All suggestions welcome thanks.

While I understand there has been a recent update with wget isn't this fix dependent on the wget version, so I question arises "are some folks going to have issues  if we make this change?"  Or perhaps we should force busybox?

thoughts?  while my copy of the script still works flawlessly.


--- Code: ---wget https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/

--- End code ---

--- Code: -----2016-06-02 20:40:53--  https://fpdownload.adobe.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
Resolving fpdownload.adobe.com (fpdownload.adobe.com)...
Connecting to fpdownload.adobe.com (fpdownload.adobe.com)||:443... connected.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘fpdownload.adobe.com’ is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘fpdownload.adobe.com’ hasn't got a known issuer.

--- End code ---

--- Code: -----no-check-certificate

--- End code ---
This fixes it for me as well.

Thanks for the info.  Which wget are you using please?


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