Hi Curaga,
I need to know everything

So I can make the best choice, speed, size, ease of use etc.
I used Raspbian + JavaFX because it just worked, boots straight to video with overlay dials.
For ALM it is not the best choice, large to backup etc, there is no version control on it.
Been a bunch of kernel/OS/Java mods since I did it and that was just a few months ago

Actually started looking at the Raspbian Wayland/Weston stuff yesterday.
Think I will go that way instead of using X11.
Wonder if tcl/tk will run on Wayland?
It is about getting max bang for buck from the RPi's.
With Linux PCBs down to $9, going to need all the tricks I can learn to stay in the embedded electronics area.
The hardware is so cheap, it is now all about software.
I trend towards scripting languages because I can modify equipment code on the fly as long as it is connected to a network.