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Author Topic: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi  (Read 8381 times)

Offline curaga

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2015, 05:37:32 AM »
Gavin, your quest for size takes very strange turns. Basic X is less than 5mb compressed. Then you look at beasts like Java and Go ;)
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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2015, 11:34:34 PM »
Hi Curaga,

I need to know everything :-\
So I can make the best choice, speed, size, ease of use etc.

I used Raspbian + JavaFX because it just worked, boots straight to video with overlay dials.
For ALM it is not the best choice, large to backup etc, there is no version control on it.
Been a bunch of kernel/OS/Java mods since I did it and that was just a few months ago :'(

Actually started looking at the Raspbian Wayland/Weston stuff yesterday.
Think I will go that way instead of using X11.
Wonder if tcl/tk will run on Wayland?

It is about getting max bang for buck from the RPi's.
With Linux PCBs down to $9, going to need all the tricks I can learn to stay in the embedded electronics area.
The hardware is so cheap, it is now all about software.
I trend towards scripting languages because I can modify equipment code on the fly as long as it is connected to a network.


Offline curaga

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2015, 06:11:25 AM »
Bang for the buck or low-powered hardware means you should avoid scripting, and use a compiled language. It's true C is not very fashionable right now, but it's far from becoming like COBOL.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 06:13:02 AM by curaga »
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Offline gavinmc42

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2015, 07:55:52 PM »
Hi Curaga,

16MHz Arduino or 700Mhz Pi B+?
Need ethernet? I reach for Pi.

Scripting on Pi is normally at a higher level, no compiler needed. GCC is not lightweight.
I am behind a Uni firewall so installing dependencies is a pain. TinyC?
Luajit or micropython work fast enough so far.
Could use this to improve the python software loop jitters http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/
In fact, thanks to your info in this post I now know how to tcz the pigpio daemon.

If I need high speed controlled I/O I normally use PSoC's controlled via the i2c on the Pi.
Or 32bit 50MHz Pic32MX's using UECIDE, similar to the Arduino tools.

Will get around to bare metal coding on the Pi 2. I think I can use one or more of the ARM cores to do Realtime stuff.
Hence Golang as a step to learning multicore coding.

Learning and mastering a little shell scripting, awk and sed etc is also very useful on the resume 8)


Offline bmarkus

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2015, 02:37:58 AM »

16MHz Arduino or 700Mhz Pi B+?
Need ethernet? I reach for Pi.


If I need high speed controlled I/O I normally use PSoC's controlled via the i2c on the Pi.
Or 32bit 50MHz Pic32MX's using UECIDE, similar to the Arduino tools.

There are cipKIT boards compatible with Arduino on source code level and also can work with many Aurduino shields built on PIC32 processors, so they ara much faster and capable, see


Good point is that you can buy a preprogrammed PIC32 with Arduino compatible boot loader in a hobbiest friendly DIP package to make your own chipKIT adding few passive components, no XTAL needed. It is supported by Majenko's UECIDE.

There is another from Australia, MicroMite II. It is a small PIC32 board running MICROMITE BASIC. While I'm not a big fun of BASIC I have to admit, it is really a fantastic board. BASIC supports all PIC32 peripherals, interrupt routines, LCD and TFT display, 1-wire IC's, ultrasonic distance meter, humidity sensors, etc. with built-in functions. You can make an application just in few lines. Also you need just a terminal to program, no PICKIT3 or simi8lar device needed. Community is active as well as MICROMIRE BASIC actively develeoped. Additionally MICROMITE BASIC is opensource and available, you can add your own function. Source code compiles in MPLAB-X without issues, my first trial resulted a working code. Start with the author's Geoff site:


These boards can be connected to Raspberry Pi easily via I2C or serial and also you can manage to download code to the boards via the RPi remotely.

BTW I'm planning to port MicroPython to this MicroMite II board.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 02:41:28 AM by bmarkus »
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Offline gavinmc42

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2015, 02:59:37 AM »
Drool, dribble, micropython on Pic32.
Been using them for years instead of Arduinos.
Dip28 package, easy to breadboard and make pcbs for.
Been needing an excuse to move from MX250 to MX270.
Linux is new for me. Micros + C compiling is old hat.
Don't forget Pinguino's

Micropython on PIC32MZxxx, ethernet, can etc?
Come on Microchip, give me a $2 IoT MZxxx 28pin dip chip with 2MB + ethernet :'(

Offline bmarkus

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2015, 03:29:28 AM »
Well, I have seen Microchip MZ demo running Linux :)
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Offline gavinmc42

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Re: Oracle Java JDK8 on Raspi
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2015, 04:23:30 AM »
Very slowly? Tinycore?
Hmm microchip direct, about $10, $8 in volume?
Think I will stick with the Pi's
Or this
Hope these guys can make enough.