starting an application (firefox) on boot
Add firefox.tcz to /tce/onboot.lst then create a plain text non-executable file in /home/tc/.X.d/ with a firefox entry.
For example, mine is called /home/tc/.X.d/startups and this startups file includes:
conky &
firefox &
remembering application view settings
Believe that's application specific. Ensure you have a persistent /home/tc directory then Firefox should remember window size settings. Not sure, probably stored somewhere in /home/tc/.mozilla.
start firefox in full screen mode
If you exit Firefox maximized it will restart maximized, not sure about full screen. Just need to research, as these old links suggest it's possible using either a simple startup script or custom Firefox userchrome entry. Don't think Firefox has a dedicated CLI option for this. Regardless, it's a Firefox issue not Tiny Core, maybe check Mozilla forum. alter the view settings and it works for one session, but doesnt preserve these across reboots. Could you give me some idea of what i need to include in the backup list to achieve this?
It doesn't sound like you have set up a persistent /home/tc directory, otherwise these types of settings should be preserved across reboots. Check the wiki or read the Tiny Core book. If you review /opt/.filetool.lst you'll see that home and opt directories are automatically backed up, provided you've set up a persistent system.