Hi all,
after reading an article in the Linux-User 05/09 yesterday I installed TC-1.4.3 on a Disk On Module (32MB IDE-device). I tried to search the forum, wiki and googled, but it looks like I'm looking for the wrong things....
1) The DOM is installed on a Kontron Embedded PC with a Pentium-I 133MHz and 64MBRAM. It boots fine and I can connect via ssh from my laptop. But after some times of inactivity the system goes into a kind of suspendmode allthough I did not install suspend.tce
If I then want to ssh into the system I first have to hit the keyboard ... walk back to my laptop ... and then I can log in.
2) I tried to echo -n "mem" > /sys/power/state
but it does not change. It still contains "disk"
3) How can I make these settings persistent, if I ever manage to make them change?
Thank you very much for TC it is realy an amazing peace of software.