juanito: Thanks! I cannot speak for x86/x64 as I haven't repeated this process there yet, but it may be prudent to add libcap.tcz to nfs-util's dependency list.
curaga: YES, PIDs are reused, the concept here is to TRY and avoid start-up processes (take DHCPc for example) from getting shut down TOO early (we don't want anything interrupting networking while attempting to disconnect from our shares in this case) so setting a land-mark (ie: don't kill off anything prior to when our extensions were being loaded) sounded like a potentially safe bet for processes which don't reinitialize themselves. TCL may be a little
too mature to begin a new standard, such as implementing init's for daemons... but who knows!

I'm planning on putting together an add-in for rc.shutdown which scans init.d directories and calls
scriptname stop for launch scripts it can find and then go against popular apps (such as apache, sql, etc.) and if running, call their associated binaries to shut down naturally (as opposed to SIGs) to assist with some of the killings and potential data issues. Considering the lack of standardized init scripts within many of the extensions, it's the easiest way I can think of (and an ongoing list over time).
For my needs (which are uncommon versus the community's usual use for TC) I have a "profile" set up for website design, for example, which is a general LAMP configuration and a hand-full of extensions (ionCube, DAV, SVN, etc.) which I'm going to package as
my_lamp.tcz which will include init's and other basic content to simplify what's needed here; you're welcome to the init's when they're done if you think they'd be useful.