Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

[SOLVED] numlockx and Xvesa

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Hello Misalf:

--- Quote from: Misalf on August 23, 2015, 02:28:47 PM ---"not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz" means that there is no need to add this extension to the onboot list because it's a dep of numlockx.tcz and gets loaded anyway.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the heads up.   =-)

Now they are not loaded at boot up but there's been no change: numlockx won't work.




Just woke up and finally did the Xvesa suggestion from Rich

--- Quote ---This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that supports the numlock LED
--- End quote ---

here is one way to get it ...if you don't like the bottom 2 lines just use your file manager to move those 2 new files into your packages directory

--- Code: ---wget http://www.tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/tcz/Xvesa-7.1.tcz
md5sum Xvesa-7.1.tcz > Xvesa-7.1.tcz.md5.txt
TCEDIR=/mnt/`cat /etc/sysconfig/backup_device`/optional
cp Xvesa* $TCEDIR
--- End code ---

2) Assuming you have Xvesa.tcz in your "onboot" list
Click into Apps
click on Xvesa.tcz and remove it from your boot list
now left hand side scoll down and click on XVesa-7.1.tcz to select it
---so it appears in RH list

3) full reboot

with either numlockx in your onboot list or load it manually

4) For me, leds now work in Xvesa
toggle does not work for me, but numlock is already enabled as previously mentioned

good luck....don't forget to thank Rich if it works


When you run Apps update in the future, it will detect all local TCZs including this new one.
There is no need to do anything.  And do not delete Xvesa.tcz please.

Good morning Gordon64:

--- Quote from: gordon64 on August 23, 2015, 07:52:57 PM ---Just woke up and finally did the Xvesa suggestion from Rich

--- End quote ---
Thanks ...

--- Quote from: gordon64 on August 23, 2015, 07:52:57 PM ---here is one way to get it ...

--- End quote ---
Thank you very much for this.   =-)
It now works 'as advertised', so to speak.

--- Quote from: gordon64 on August 23, 2015, 07:52:57 PM ---... don't forget to thank Rich if it works

--- End quote ---
Will do.

--- Quote from: gordon64 on August 23, 2015, 07:52:57 PM ---When you run Apps update in the future, it will detect all local TCZs including this new one.
There is no need to do anything.  And do not delete Xvesa.tcz please.

--- End quote ---
Note taken.

Once again, thank you.



Hello Rich:

--- Quote from: Rich on August 22, 2015, 10:57:12 PM ---You could try using  Xvesa-7.1.tcz  from TC4. From the info file:

--- Quote ---Comments: This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that supports the numlock LED.

--- End quote ---
Done it, Gordon64 gave held my hand while at it.

Thanks a lot, numlockx finally works.


--- End quote ---

Hi tinycore
Glad to hear you got it sorted out.


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