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apps installation error on apps browser (md5sum)
Thank you for your answers.
with a terminal :
i write "export http_proxy=http://.." (with no space, my bad)
after that, wget works well and when i can start the apps browser with the command line "apps"
packages are found but i can't install it. (error of my first post)
thanks ! :) (sorry for my bad english)
Finally, i managed to install apps (via tce-load command line) but firefox don't work :/ (i click on the icon but nothing happen)
I tried to install midori (i have a very old thin client) but i don't find the midori.tcz in the data base.
Do you have a solution to install midori? (i managed to install midori with wget command but i don't have dep tcz with).
i find midori here but i don't know how to install it (with dep) :
thanks for your help :)
Download the dep and md5 files also.
Hi clientleger
--- Quote ---Finally, i managed to install apps (via tce-load command line) but firefox don't work :/ (i click on the icon but nothing happen)
--- End quote ---
What happens if you type firefox at the command line?
thanks for your answers :)
i will try this morning to dowload both files.
EDIT : /*
i dowloaded with wget midori.tcz, midori.tcz.dep, midori.tcz.info, midori.tcz.list ,midori.tcz.md5.txt , midori.tcz.tree and midori.tcz.zsync (on http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/x86/tcz/)
when i write "tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/midori.tcz" (local installation on my USB stick) webkitgtk-1.0-0.tcz was not found so i dowloaded it (on http://ftp.nluug.nl/os/Linux/distr/tinycorelinux/3.x/tcz/) and lubunique was not found too so i downloaded it too (on the same site).
after that, "tce-load -i /mnt/sdb1/midori.tcz" works and a midori icon appears on my screen.
But, when i click on it, nothing happens :/
when i write "midori" on terminal :
midori: error while loading shared libraries: libnotify.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such or directory.
thanks you for your great help :)
when i write "firefox" the terminal print "Illegal instruction"
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