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Author Topic: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3  (Read 10528 times)

Offline Misalf

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2015, 04:18:14 PM »
You could as well exclude it from your backup file instead.
Code: [Select]
echo wifi.db >> /opt/.xfiletool.lst
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Offline aug

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2015, 03:34:42 PM »
You can start  wifi.sh  with the  -a  switch, to automatically connect to the first entry listed in  ~/wifi.db .

For example, you can add this to  /op/bootlocal.sh
Code: [Select]
wifi.sh -a &

I had to add the path in /opt/bootlocal.sh too  => /usr/local/bin/wifi.sh -a &

Offline aug

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2015, 03:36:59 PM »
Not really satisfied with xorg so i think i stay with xvesa. Where can i find some instructions to solve the keyboard problem?


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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2015, 07:43:12 AM »
Misalf and OP
I can't read any German, nor use that keyboard but I can't see any mention of you needing to load keyboard map from say
 xkeyboard-config  or  kmaps

kmaps seems to have lots of German maps

de_CH appears to be Swiss
a quick google suggested some seem to like the nodeadkeys map?

good luck and hope that helps

Offline Misalf

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2015, 09:13:49 AM »
Thanks gordon64, you're right that none of us mentioned  kmaps.tcz  to be loaded. However, I assumed aug has it loaded already, otherwise
Code: [Select]
wouldn't have any effect, and I think
All Keys workins in terminal mode [...] but not on the x-desktop
couldn't be true.

I suspect Tiny Core is just a mess to set up for internationalization, as most how-tos available on the net are for the big distros, where one has to just click around in a GUI tool without having to know anything about what just happened to possible config files, additional to LC_* variables.

Personally, I don't want my OS to speak any other language than its default one, except the possibility to understand my commands via my 'non-default' keyboard. Just setting the hole system to another language can lead to confusion (and slowing things down due to loading additional text strings).
For example, in Germany, dates are written as 'Day Month Year' wile in US it's 'Month Day Year'.
Numbers are treated differently, too. Germany uses the dot "." to visualize power-of-thousands, and the comma "," for everything below zero. In US it's vice versa.

So far I wasn't able to configure Tiny Core this way without having issues with my keyboard or certain programs.
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Offline aug

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2015, 02:17:41 PM »
Thanks gordon64, you're right that none of us mentioned  kmaps.tcz  to be loaded. However, I assumed aug has it loaded already, otherwise
Code: [Select]
wouldn't have any effect, and I think
All Keys workins in terminal mode [...] but not on the x-desktop
couldn't be true.

I suspect Tiny Core is just a mess to set up for internationalization, as most how-tos available on the net are for the big distros, where one has to just click around in a GUI tool without having to know anything about what just happened to possible config files, additional to LC_* variables.

Personally, I don't want my OS to speak any other language than its default one, except the possibility to understand my commands via my 'non-default' keyboard. Just setting the hole system to another language can lead to confusion (and slowing things down due to loading additional text strings).
For example, in Germany, dates are written as 'Day Month Year' wile in US it's 'Month Day Year'.
Numbers are treated differently, too. Germany uses the dot "." to visualize power-of-thousands, and the comma "," for everything below zero. In US it's vice versa.

So far I wasn't able to configure Tiny Core this way without having issues with my keyboard or certain programs.

Hi All,
on the cli level everything works fine! It's only X. The majority of the keys works so i can work with it.
In Europe english is not really wide used, in some countries it's not even teached at school. For the people it's very important to have a computer in here own language. And... english is not the most used language on earth, but day.month.year is used at the majority of the world same as the 24hour clock and not am/pm.
If Linux spreads more to the desktop its very important to support this.

Offline Misalf

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2015, 02:56:05 PM »
Actually, it is supported by Linux, but Tiny Core is not a ready-to-go distro. It's a Tool-Kit for 'easily' creating a Linux that fits your needs without unneeded blows & whistles. So the users need to find out how to add features not already included or fully supported.
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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2015, 07:20:04 PM »
It's only X.
then maybe you can reveal your video card to us by
Code: [Select]
lspci -vvv  just take a snip of the section for VGA
Then reveal what is in your "xorg".lst or what ever you call it please?

Also its not clear to me, and I am the stupid one here  ;D
when you are in X, that you know to use apps that are  <somename>-locale.tcz

I know you must know this by using a terminal which is language capable just as lxterminal-locale

but text editor needs it as well just as leafpad-locale etc......if you wish to use German.

Thats the limit of my brain cells so signing off to the experts.

good luck

Offline Misalf

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Re: Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2015, 07:32:07 PM »
*-locale.tcz extensions will be used (automatically loaded) if the lang= boot code was used. As far as I get it, this should only affect text translations of menus, options, manuals etc. but not keyboard input?
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