Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Lenovo B590 WLAN/Keyboard problem TC 6.3
You can start wifi.sh with the -a switch, to automatically connect to the first entry listed in ~/wifi.db .
For example, you can add this to /op/bootlocal.sh
--- Code: ---wifi.sh -a &
--- End code ---
Fine...but i see a little security issue now. /home/tc contains now a file wifi.db - nothing more than a text file but it contains the plain wlan-password...... :-(
Your backup file can be encrypted using the protect boot code.
--- Quote from: aug on July 26, 2015, 02:48:26 PM ---Fine...but i see a little security issue now. /home/tc contains now a file wifi.db - nothing more than a text file but it contains the plain wlan-password...... :-(
--- End quote ---
lol this comes up every so often. If you think about it a little, how can it possibly be a security issue? if someone is looking at the contents of the file then knowing the contents is irrelevant, additionally the range of your wifi is relatively small making the scope of vulnerability extremely small. besides what is anyone going to do with that information anyhow..??
...but with the time it will fill up with the passwords to clients network.... i travel a lot....
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