dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86


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Jason W:
I have Xvesa working in dCore-jessie with gtk2 apps, I remember there was an issue with Xvesa and gtk2 in dCore-wheezy.  I plan to put together a dCorePlus similar to CorePlus to help lower the barrier of entry in using dCore among newer users.  Mainly a matter of importing a package set at this point now that the ISO and the CDE function has finished being ported from Core.  To start with, I will make a dCorePlus-jessie, then the others later.

WM (DE) ?

Jason W:
Probably the same offerings as CorePlus, to give it the same user experience and look and feel.  But for size I would personally rather stick with flwm_topside, folks can give their opinion in this thread.

You know my preferred. Problem of tc way is wbar where if there is no x-full-path-icon in the .desktop icons don't appear. And what about sce? Are you going to use one megasce or you plan to use multiple sces?

Jason W:
dCore does not depend on X-fullpath-icon, but will use it first if it is found, it uses the existing icon in /usr/share/pixmaps if not specified.  I see a lot of icons in my wbar that are just upstream Debian packages.

I would rather not have a full desktop environment in dCorePlus as it's main use is to make it easy for new users to access the wireless internet, setup and tce directory and start importing packages.  Being able to easily install and run dCore is a hurdle that I think is keeping many novice Linux users from trying it out.  After a tce directory has been established and packages imported, one can then reboot with the standard ISO if they don't want to install. 

I will host the dCorePlus-jessie.sce in the sce area, one for each dCore.  That way the graphical environment can be also achieved with downloading the needed files.  I will make the packages into one SCE to save space.


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