I have up-dated the wiki at the best of my understanding, however in the course of writing and double-checking I have found some new holes in it. (I hope not everybody is going like

http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/x86/ now contains a whole bunch of files and they confuse me. -- Is it correct to say that ...
1. the new sce-import considers two package list files, namely ubuntu_trusty_main_i386_Packages and ubuntu_trusty_security_i386_Packages?
2. the zzzzz-security-files are obsolete?
3. What are the ubuntu-trusty-*.bz2-files for? I see that their security versions are up-dated at the same time as the ones from 1. above but their non-security versions are quite old.
4. /opt/securitymirror is not yet implemented, is it?