Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
I am currently running Coreplus 6.1. I like it alot. But recently Firefox is wanting a newer version of Flash. What do I do?
If you manually installed Flash, then just download the latest version directly from Adobe, install or symlink the libflashplayer.so in /home/tc/.mozilla/firefox/your_profile/plugins.
If you used the getFlash script (getFlash11.tcz), as per the extension's info page in Apps:
--- Quote ---NOTE: Upon first time loading of this extension, the getflash11.sh
script is automatically run. Later, if you want to update your flash11.tcz,
then select getFlash11 from the Apps menu and run it, following the directions
given about rebooting.
--- End quote ---
If you have old hardware and are running Flash 10, there are no longer any updates for Linux systems.
Just noticed you mentioned CorePlus v6.1. Just so you know, version 6.3 is now available and there have been some improvements. If you want to upgrade to 6.3, download the 9MB Core from http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html, replace your outdated core.gz and vmlinuz files and reboot. Upon reboot, it would also be good to use Apps and check for any extension updates.
nitram, This was spot on, thanks.
NOTE: Upon first time loading of this extension, the getflash11.sh
script is automatically run. Later, if you want to update your flash11.tcz,
then select getFlash11 from the Apps menu and run it, following the directions
given about rebooting.
Run getFlash11.tcz
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