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Author Topic: CorePlus 6.3, questions after install - general usage  (Read 2866 times)

Offline MX372

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CorePlus 6.3, questions after install - general usage
« on: June 20, 2015, 04:29:10 PM »
Hello all,

Recently installed CorePlus 6.3 and a host of extensions. A few newbie questions:

1) where do the apps go when minimized?
2) how do I make an app appear in the wbar at the bottom if not already there?
3) how can I get a nice, tidy, unobtrusive Conky on my desktop, in a transparent window that I can move to a desired location, then lock it there?
4) how can I get a volume control somewhere easily accessible right on the desktop? Or a clock? Or a wifi indicator?
5) how do I use a different WM (such as Openbox)? I assume FLWM is what is currently in use...how do I find out?
6) how can I get drives to appear on the desktop and be automounted (example - USB drives)?
7) what do I need to do to get an application to open if clicking on it in the menu (by right-clinking the desktop) has no effect?
8) I'm using a CF card as my HDD; is there anything in particular I need to do to maximize it's life (minimal writes), other than using noswap and ext2 for the fs?

Where can I find good information about modifying TC to customize it to my liking? I've been poking around for a few hours, reading different stuff, but haven't seen the information I'm looking for in anything I've read so far. I have not done an exhaustive search for each of these questions, yet. I'm hoping a more experienced TC user can help me out before I spend more time searching, so that I can get on with learning more about Linux in general from RUTE (as suggested by another member in another thread).


Offline Rich

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Re: CorePlus 6.3, questions after install - general usage
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 04:42:41 PM »
Hi MX372
1. They disappear. Right click on the desktop. The popup menu shows them as hollow squares. Click it to make it visible.
2. The app needs a desktop file, an icon, and an installed file. I think the wiki has more info.
5. cat /etc/sysconfig/desktop  to find out which WM is in use.
7. Try starting it from the command line and see what error messages come up.

Also spend some time reading:

Offline MX372

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Re: CorePlus 6.3, questions after install - general usage
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2015, 06:23:49 PM »
Rich, thanks for the reply.

1. They disappear all right, but a right click gets me a menu with no hollow squares, only: Applications (and no, nothing there that is minimized), OnDemand, System Tools, System, and Exit
2. I'll search the wiki for this, thanks
5. Thanks, it's already Openbox so I'm good. unless there are better WM's....suggestions?
7. Tried Clawsmail from terminal, got following error: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I looked in the Apps for such a file to install, didn't see anything. Not sure what the next step is, but I think the issue is that libiconv.so.2 is missing from my system. How to get it, don't know....I'm sure i can Google it and if I find it, download it and then put it??? in the /tce folder?

I've already read the book "Into the Core" (last nite), and though helpful, I think it also assumes familiarity with linux in general, and some of the topics were above my skill level at this time (or I didn't absorb it yet). I learn fast, but I'm getting information overload right now as I'm taking classes during the day (not computer related; job related) and taking online classes at night/weekends for CompTIA A+.

Thanks again.

Offline Rich

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