Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

64 bit rsync Package

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Wondering if anyone is working on this or why it might not be in the repository right now.  I had no problem building it on a TCL virtualmachine and will go through the submission process if it is desired and not in progress by someone else :)

Please go ahead.

I sent the package to tcesubmit_at_gmail_dot_com.  For those interested I created a docker build environment based on TCL for building this extension so it should be very easy to update / customize going forward.  The build environment can be found on github at cameronbrunner/tinycorelinux-extensions.

One last bit on the build environment; its now on docker hub.  The extension can be rebuilt with the following commands:

--- Code: (bash) ---   
mkdir bundle
docker pull cameronbrunner/tinycorelinux-extensions:rsync
docker run -t -i -v `pwd`/bundle:/scratch/bundle docker.io/cameronbrunner/tinycorelinux-extensions:rsync
--- End code ---

The tcz will end up in `pwd`/bundle.

Hm, does it download everything again, each time it is run? That seems quite wasteful of bandwidth.


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