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Author Topic: New 2TB external drive (MountTool) read only (ntfs-3g working)  (Read 1825 times)

Offline etv

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I have: 1)New Toshiba Canvio 2TB external, 1)Windows partitioned 3TB external, 1)older TravelMate laptop and flash drives.

I am running Tiny Core booting off a CD with 'installed' options on a flash drive. I installed ntfs-3g and more. After mounting with MountTool, Midnight Commander can read and write to the 3TB drive. But the new Toshiba Canvio only mounts read only. Readability has been confirmed in MC (shows windows installation software). Does any one have an idea as how to cfdisk (installed) this drive? MC shows /mnt/drive as mode 0777. And /drive/.. mode 0775(I think) it was the same for the 3TB. :o
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 08:13:56 PM by etv »