dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
Importing single deb-package?
Is it possible to import packages from outside any repo in the way dpkg-reconfigure does?
Jason W:
You mean install a single deb that is on the local machine?
Jason W:
Ok, that is what the original deb2tcz script did. Would be simple to make a deb2sce, of course that name is taken by a function used by sce-import. I will aim to create a simple deb to sce. I would rather convert it to an sce to be installed, supporting installing as a deb is not feasible.
That would be very useful, indeed. Regarding the name, the best I have come up with is 'sce-fromdeb' so as to keep it in line with the other sce-functions.
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