You shouldn't have to rename, move or refer to grubx64.efi, just create a grub.cfg and try to boot.
grubx64.efi resides in the EFI/grub/ directory.
BOOTX64.EFI should reside in the EFI/BOOT/ directory.
As I can't specify which .efi file to use (and from which directory) in the grub.cfg file, I assume that the file to use and its directory are hardcoded somewhere.
Therefore if it is looking for EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI why should it the go and find EFI/grub/ grubx64.efi and use that instead?
Does it recursively check every directory and use whichever .efi files that it can find?
What is BOOTX64.EFI? Is it the grub executable or a boot stub called by grub that then side-loads the OS?